
Take Advantage of Your Legal Services Benefit

If you are a State employee in the General Government Unit, you can consult an attorney to discuss most common legal questions, and we will pay for it—up to $2,500 per year!

For example, have you been putting off making or updating your will?  Are you thinking of starting a trust fund for your children? Are you:

  • About to get married or divorced?
  • Buying or selling a home?
  • Dealing with a difficult landlord or neighbor?
  • Facing adoption or custody issues?

If you are a current State of Alaska employee in the General Government Unit and answered “yes” to any of these questions, we can help.

We will pay up to $250 per hour to the qualified attorney of your choice so that you can get the advice you need on covered legal matters like these. There is no deductible, no co-payment, and your eligible dependents can use the benefit, too!

How can we provide this service? Simple: As a State of Alaska employee represented by ASEA, this valuable benefit was made possible by your union who worked hard to negotiate for it, on your behalf, through the collective bargaining process. You owe it to yourself and your family to take advantage of this valuable benefit.

ASEA/AFSCME Local 52, the ASEA Legal Services Trust Fund and its Trustees obtain no profit from the operation of the Plan or from the performance of legal services by attorneys under this Plan. The Plan’s only purpose is to promote the well-being and peace of mind of our participants, their dependents, and/or their designated beneficiaries.

Member Comment Period

The Member Comment Period gives you the opportunity to share your ideas and voice your opinions or concerns regarding the ASEA Legal Services Plan benefits with the Board of Trustees at the next regular meeting.

The next meeting is Thursday, April 24, 2025. 

If you would like to address the Board at the next trust meeting, you must register by Thursday, April 3, 2025. To register, please contact:

Holly Garcia, Account Executive
Welfare & Pension Administration Service, Inc.
PO Box 34203
Seattle, WA 98124
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (206) 796-0131
Fax: (206) 505-9727

When you register, you will be scheduled to speak with the Board by phone. You will need to provide your name, the phone number you will be at to accept the call, and the subject you wish to address (eligibility, issue with benefits, etc.).

One hour will be allotted for member comments between 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to allow participation during members’ lunch breaks. If you are unavailable during this time, we will work with you to accommodate your participation. The trustees will make as many calls as possible, and the time allowed each member will be based upon the number of members registered for the meeting.

Want to Know More About Your ASEA Legal Services Plan Benefits?

Here are Some Helpful Resources:

Click here to view the ASEA Legal Services Plan Administrative Office presentation.

Go to the Newsletter page to read the most recent ASEA Legal Services Plan newsletter.

Click here to see the ASEA Legal Services Plan Flyer.

Use the Direct Phone Line and Email to Contact the Administrative Office

It’s important to understand if you, your dependent(s) or the legal service you’re seeking is eligible for ASEA Legal Services benefits before you receive the service. And, now it’s easier than ever to find out!

Contact the Trust Administrative Office directly via the new direct phone line or email address:

Phone: 866-678-8647
Email: [email protected]

ASEA Legal Services Presents …